Friday, October 11, 2013

The Crazy life!!

Things has been crazy and busy!  Little one in soccer and I'm going to school and running the house while my man is working.  He been doing swings.  I thought I would be stress and overwhelmed but so far everything is going well.

Studying is going well, I've passed two quizzes so far and have to take another one tomorrow some time.  I am not here bragging but it seem like I'm getting a hang of it.  It is tough but I've been studying like crazy so that does help a lot.

The soccer practice and games has been going well. It seem like soccer should have been a bit more organized but hey it's Kayla's first actual sport she joined.  So so far it been fun.  She played two games so far.  She been going to every practice.  Shes getting better every time with something.  She enjoys it and has a lot of fun doing soccer.  I think soccer will be in our daily routine for a while.  I hope she tries other sports though

This is short and quick, I gotta get back to studying! <3

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