I really need to get back to this! Life has been crazy!
This really got me thinking... College this quarter has been stressing me out a lot!! I'm not failing but I'm not getting the best grade that I usually get when I have ALL of my accommodations, (another story), it just one of those battle. Those who knows me and my grades, this is one of the BIGGEST thing for me in school! I've noticed I am worn out by the time I get home from just being in class, on campus for just ONE hour and I am not even done, I have another class, online and that is about 2-3 hours every day on my own and even with that class is another battle and on top of homework. I have no motivation right now to do anything other than trying my best in school with what I got and trying to do everything at home as well. I have no interest of going for the program I've been working towards for the past year and a half because of what I'm going through at the moment. I have one more month left this quarter. I have not even register for class for the winter quarter at all because I have no idea what the result is gonna be at the end of the month or where I really want to go, stay or go back to my old college, really tough decision. Times like this I wish that I've pushed myself through college 12 years ago, it might have been easier but then again probably wouldn't met my fiance and be a mother right now to this amazing daughter. I don't like worrying about bills, not having a job, and stressing out about things that I have no control over. I will NOT give up! I have a little one who looks up to me, I want to be able to show my daughter, no matter how tough things get, we always make it through somehow and at the end it will be paid off! I don't use my disability as an excuse but there are times I feel like this is what slowing me down. I do have wonderful support from my family and I'm VERY GRATEFUL for all the support and those who stand by me!!!
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