Thursday, November 12, 2015

Can I rant a little bit about Accommodations?!?!

 If you don't fight for your accommodation, you're not gonna get them. Hell, I can't say ALL fights are gonna assure you that you're gonna get ALL of your accommodations.  Trust me, been there done that, and even going through it right now!  Remember the first post of this month I mentioned that 'this is another story.'  Well, this is it!  I'M NOT GETTING ALL OF MY ACCOMMODATION...  The lamest excuse I have ever heard is, I cannot find an interpreter for your time, but we bought you this $500 devices and that should help you.  UUUUUMMMM.... Let me tell you this, I'm grateful that they bought this devices and it does help on some levels, BUT, it doesn't change the fact that I'm still DEAF! This quarter I noticed with not getting all of my accommodations, I'm not capable of meeting my full potential. This is the one thing I will be sitting down after this quarter and write out a letter to the dean.  The one thing I also noticed, it was very hard to get any type of reply from the Disability Support Service.  Those who don't know what that is, it a department at the college that makes sure you get your accommodations. Not only that I'm not getting my accommodations for on campus class, I'm also not getting it for my online...I am just now getting the accommodations for my online class, which has been a battle!!  As a matter of fact, I got something in the mail from the dean, to ask me to fill out this one form for this instructor that I took online.  As for on campus, there nothing much I can do about right now, because I will get the same response.  I am looking forward to see what they have too say for next quarter! I am not too fond of this college but since I am SOO close to graduating, I am just gonna bite my glosso and just get it over with, but I am not going for their Radiology Program. There's a reason for it.  Sad but true! Hey, between now and then, who knows, I might be doing something I really enjoy!! ;) Only times can tell!

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