Thursday, November 12, 2015

Do You Think ALL professor is nice?!

Do y'all think the professor is nice??  I'm laughing right now!! You're dreaming, NO, a lot of them don't give a rat ass. I wanna say not all professor is like this. This does not apply to my professors who are my friends.  Yes I have a few friends who are professors...BUT... You have to know that you're on their terms, no matter what, they give you a syllabus, you read them on the first day, and that what they EXPECT from you! If you don't like it and/or think you cannot meet their standards, kiss their a$$ goodbye and drop out and try for another professor.  Don't waste your time trying to take their class if you know what they expect from you and you cannot meet it.  But... if you think your capable of it, GO FOR IT! While you're in their class and you start struggling for some reason and if you'r respectful, honest and work hard in their class, they may be understanding, nice, and helpful! MOST professor are helpful if you show that you wanna work hard and learn! You do not wanna take advantage of them because they will know when you are. Oh, if you have accommodations because you're disabled or whatever reason you have them, make sure your professor TRULY, I mean truly understand why you have them! If you don't, don't expect them be helpful and understanding. 

But there are gonna be times where you are gonna be stuck with this one professor because he/she is the only one that teaches that topic.  There won't be much you can do.  
If you find yourself, finding a professor that you can relate and learn really well from them, STICK with them, you will find yourself doing really well.  Also, you already know the professor's teaching style and the professor knows you.  

I have my ups and downs with some professor that I ran into.  Those who I did not get along too great with, I stuck with them because I couldn't find anyone else to take, OR because I needed to take the class to move on to the next level, I had no options but what I signed up for.  So... This is what I have learned on this so far.  

The whole thing about 'accommodations' is whole other subject, I will get to that one day, because I believe as a role of being a Deaf Mom is important to share that experience, you may actually learn something from it.  

**let me know what you think of this... I love to hear some feedback! _\,,/

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