What did I learn about being a Mom and a College student...and Still Learning...
A lot... Did I think this would be easy? HELL NO, I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into!! I knew I was going to face a lot of challenges but that about it. I know I couldn't do this alone though. Just having all of my family and friends support helps a lot with some things. Where I live right now, I only have one family in town, which is my fiance's brother but that it. All the others that helps me right now are my friends who lives here. It even harder when you don't have a car at the moment. I cannot just jump in and drive off wherever I need or want to go. It just takes a lot of planning to get everywhere. I made a promised to myself that when my child go back to school, I'm going back! I did take one year off and worked, because I had to but now I'm full time student and mom.
One of the biggest thing about this life is learning how to manage my time. This is not my best thing to do at all! I struggle with this daily! I think this is called Mama's brain, isn't there such thing? I would think so! All type of questions are asked.
How can I be a mom while focusing on school work and making sure dinner is on the table, and make sure my daughter has my undefined attention or making sure we have family time? It's hard, just think of it as if my school is a full time job and I come home and be a mother along with my homework. I will try to get my homework done before my daughter gets home or just about the time she's getting ready for bed.
Thank God she's nine, so I don't need to help her to wash up or change her clothes. That the BIG help on my end, I can just tell her what needs to be done and she goes do it, and it's never without a fight! The typical children behavior. Can I just pray that she never pick an argument about doing chores... I'm dreaming right?! HAHA. She can be a big helper around here though. She does her chores, or whatever we ask her to do.
What do I do about dinner? That's another battle sometime, I will ask everyone what they want for dinner, and I would get 'I don't know...' This is telling them that I don't care what y'all want just tell me so I can go prepare it! I don't have time to sit here and play guessing game with what sounds good to y'all. Most of the time, we'll figure something out pretty quick.
While I'm in school I worry about my daughter's school calling... What if she's sick, what if she gets hurts, what if she has an asthma attack? All those run through my mind... I don't get phone service on my CHEAP phone while I'm inside the buildings, not that this is a bad thing because then I won't be bothered while I'm learning but still as a mother I would like to be reached at ALL time. My daughter has this fear for a while, 'what if I cannot get a hold of you mama.' But this stage is over, she knows everything is okay and there's adults at her school will take care of her until they can reach me or her dad.
Anyways this is all for now. I'm sure I'll write some more about this topic again.
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