Life as a Mom and back to school
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Is this something I should be thankful for?? Finals after Thanksgiving? HAHA, NO!!! This mama has cooking to do for the holiday! While cooking, I'm STUDYING!! Sorry this post is short, I gotta get back to studying.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
Can I rant a little bit about Accommodations?!?!
If you don't fight for your accommodation, you're not gonna get them. Hell, I can't say ALL fights are gonna assure you that you're gonna get ALL of your accommodations. Trust me, been there done that, and even going through it right now! Remember the first post of this month I mentioned that 'this is another story.' Well, this is it! I'M NOT GETTING ALL OF MY ACCOMMODATION... The lamest excuse I have ever heard is, I cannot find an interpreter for your time, but we bought you this $500 devices and that should help you. UUUUUMMMM.... Let me tell you this, I'm grateful that they bought this devices and it does help on some levels, BUT, it doesn't change the fact that I'm still DEAF! This quarter I noticed with not getting all of my accommodations, I'm not capable of meeting my full potential. This is the one thing I will be sitting down after this quarter and write out a letter to the dean. The one thing I also noticed, it was very hard to get any type of reply from the Disability Support Service. Those who don't know what that is, it a department at the college that makes sure you get your accommodations. Not only that I'm not getting my accommodations for on campus class, I'm also not getting it for my online...I am just now getting the accommodations for my online class, which has been a battle!! As a matter of fact, I got something in the mail from the dean, to ask me to fill out this one form for this instructor that I took online. As for on campus, there nothing much I can do about right now, because I will get the same response. I am looking forward to see what they have too say for next quarter! I am not too fond of this college but since I am SOO close to graduating, I am just gonna bite my glosso and just get it over with, but I am not going for their Radiology Program. There's a reason for it. Sad but true! Hey, between now and then, who knows, I might be doing something I really enjoy!! ;) Only times can tell!
Do You Think ALL professor is nice?!
Do y'all think the professor is nice?? I'm laughing right now!! You're dreaming, NO, a lot of them don't give a rat ass. I wanna say not all professor is like this. This does not apply to my professors who are my friends. Yes I have a few friends who are professors...BUT... You have to know that you're on their terms, no matter what, they give you a syllabus, you read them on the first day, and that what they EXPECT from you! If you don't like it and/or think you cannot meet their standards, kiss their a$$ goodbye and drop out and try for another professor. Don't waste your time trying to take their class if you know what they expect from you and you cannot meet it. But... if you think your capable of it, GO FOR IT! While you're in their class and you start struggling for some reason and if you'r respectful, honest and work hard in their class, they may be understanding, nice, and helpful! MOST professor are helpful if you show that you wanna work hard and learn! You do not wanna take advantage of them because they will know when you are. Oh, if you have accommodations because you're disabled or whatever reason you have them, make sure your professor TRULY, I mean truly understand why you have them! If you don't, don't expect them be helpful and understanding.
But there are gonna be times where you are gonna be stuck with this one professor because he/she is the only one that teaches that topic. There won't be much you can do.
If you find yourself, finding a professor that you can relate and learn really well from them, STICK with them, you will find yourself doing really well. Also, you already know the professor's teaching style and the professor knows you.
I have my ups and downs with some professor that I ran into. Those who I did not get along too great with, I stuck with them because I couldn't find anyone else to take, OR because I needed to take the class to move on to the next level, I had no options but what I signed up for. So... This is what I have learned on this so far.
The whole thing about 'accommodations' is whole other subject, I will get to that one day, because I believe as a role of being a Deaf Mom is important to share that experience, you may actually learn something from it.
**let me know what you think of this... I love to hear some feedback! _\,,/
But there are gonna be times where you are gonna be stuck with this one professor because he/she is the only one that teaches that topic. There won't be much you can do.
If you find yourself, finding a professor that you can relate and learn really well from them, STICK with them, you will find yourself doing really well. Also, you already know the professor's teaching style and the professor knows you.
I have my ups and downs with some professor that I ran into. Those who I did not get along too great with, I stuck with them because I couldn't find anyone else to take, OR because I needed to take the class to move on to the next level, I had no options but what I signed up for. So... This is what I have learned on this so far.
The whole thing about 'accommodations' is whole other subject, I will get to that one day, because I believe as a role of being a Deaf Mom is important to share that experience, you may actually learn something from it.
**let me know what you think of this... I love to hear some feedback! _\,,/
Sunday, November 8, 2015
What did I learn about being a Mom and a College student...and Still Learning.
What did I learn about being a Mom and a College student...and Still Learning...
A lot... Did I think this would be easy? HELL NO, I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into!! I knew I was going to face a lot of challenges but that about it. I know I couldn't do this alone though. Just having all of my family and friends support helps a lot with some things. Where I live right now, I only have one family in town, which is my fiance's brother but that it. All the others that helps me right now are my friends who lives here. It even harder when you don't have a car at the moment. I cannot just jump in and drive off wherever I need or want to go. It just takes a lot of planning to get everywhere. I made a promised to myself that when my child go back to school, I'm going back! I did take one year off and worked, because I had to but now I'm full time student and mom.
One of the biggest thing about this life is learning how to manage my time. This is not my best thing to do at all! I struggle with this daily! I think this is called Mama's brain, isn't there such thing? I would think so! All type of questions are asked.
How can I be a mom while focusing on school work and making sure dinner is on the table, and make sure my daughter has my undefined attention or making sure we have family time? It's hard, just think of it as if my school is a full time job and I come home and be a mother along with my homework. I will try to get my homework done before my daughter gets home or just about the time she's getting ready for bed.
Thank God she's nine, so I don't need to help her to wash up or change her clothes. That the BIG help on my end, I can just tell her what needs to be done and she goes do it, and it's never without a fight! The typical children behavior. Can I just pray that she never pick an argument about doing chores... I'm dreaming right?! HAHA. She can be a big helper around here though. She does her chores, or whatever we ask her to do.
What do I do about dinner? That's another battle sometime, I will ask everyone what they want for dinner, and I would get 'I don't know...' This is telling them that I don't care what y'all want just tell me so I can go prepare it! I don't have time to sit here and play guessing game with what sounds good to y'all. Most of the time, we'll figure something out pretty quick.
While I'm in school I worry about my daughter's school calling... What if she's sick, what if she gets hurts, what if she has an asthma attack? All those run through my mind... I don't get phone service on my CHEAP phone while I'm inside the buildings, not that this is a bad thing because then I won't be bothered while I'm learning but still as a mother I would like to be reached at ALL time. My daughter has this fear for a while, 'what if I cannot get a hold of you mama.' But this stage is over, she knows everything is okay and there's adults at her school will take care of her until they can reach me or her dad.
Anyways this is all for now. I'm sure I'll write some more about this topic again.
A lot... Did I think this would be easy? HELL NO, I honestly didn't know what I was getting myself into!! I knew I was going to face a lot of challenges but that about it. I know I couldn't do this alone though. Just having all of my family and friends support helps a lot with some things. Where I live right now, I only have one family in town, which is my fiance's brother but that it. All the others that helps me right now are my friends who lives here. It even harder when you don't have a car at the moment. I cannot just jump in and drive off wherever I need or want to go. It just takes a lot of planning to get everywhere. I made a promised to myself that when my child go back to school, I'm going back! I did take one year off and worked, because I had to but now I'm full time student and mom.
One of the biggest thing about this life is learning how to manage my time. This is not my best thing to do at all! I struggle with this daily! I think this is called Mama's brain, isn't there such thing? I would think so! All type of questions are asked.
How can I be a mom while focusing on school work and making sure dinner is on the table, and make sure my daughter has my undefined attention or making sure we have family time? It's hard, just think of it as if my school is a full time job and I come home and be a mother along with my homework. I will try to get my homework done before my daughter gets home or just about the time she's getting ready for bed.
Thank God she's nine, so I don't need to help her to wash up or change her clothes. That the BIG help on my end, I can just tell her what needs to be done and she goes do it, and it's never without a fight! The typical children behavior. Can I just pray that she never pick an argument about doing chores... I'm dreaming right?! HAHA. She can be a big helper around here though. She does her chores, or whatever we ask her to do.
What do I do about dinner? That's another battle sometime, I will ask everyone what they want for dinner, and I would get 'I don't know...' This is telling them that I don't care what y'all want just tell me so I can go prepare it! I don't have time to sit here and play guessing game with what sounds good to y'all. Most of the time, we'll figure something out pretty quick.
While I'm in school I worry about my daughter's school calling... What if she's sick, what if she gets hurts, what if she has an asthma attack? All those run through my mind... I don't get phone service on my CHEAP phone while I'm inside the buildings, not that this is a bad thing because then I won't be bothered while I'm learning but still as a mother I would like to be reached at ALL time. My daughter has this fear for a while, 'what if I cannot get a hold of you mama.' But this stage is over, she knows everything is okay and there's adults at her school will take care of her until they can reach me or her dad.
Anyways this is all for now. I'm sure I'll write some more about this topic again.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Today was a pretty lazy day.
This is the type of day where I just let my 9 years old do anything, eat
whatever she wants. BUT I made sure she done her chores… Shocking? Yep, my nine years old have chores, she
washes her own dishes, clean out the cat litter and take the trash out, well
when it needed to be done. Homework,
what can I say about that? It depends on how you interpret that term, homework. The type of homework I’m talking about has
something to do with studying, reading, and writing things out so you have
something to show your instructor that you did something with what they
assigned you to do.
The one thing I noticed with this blog, I never did anything in a year. But a lot has happened. The one thing I wish I kept going with this
is my pictures. I took photography one
quarter and really enjoyed it! I wish I
kept up with that on here! But, hey, it’s
not too late, I can still post something and write a little bit about each
picture, right? I really gotta get my
photography stuff going.
Friday, November 6, 2015
I really need to get back to this! Life has been crazy!
This really got me thinking... College this quarter has been stressing me out a lot!! I'm not failing but I'm not getting the best grade that I usually get when I have ALL of my accommodations, (another story), it just one of those battle. Those who knows me and my grades, this is one of the BIGGEST thing for me in school! I've noticed I am worn out by the time I get home from just being in class, on campus for just ONE hour and I am not even done, I have another class, online and that is about 2-3 hours every day on my own and even with that class is another battle and on top of homework. I have no motivation right now to do anything other than trying my best in school with what I got and trying to do everything at home as well. I have no interest of going for the program I've been working towards for the past year and a half because of what I'm going through at the moment. I have one more month left this quarter. I have not even register for class for the winter quarter at all because I have no idea what the result is gonna be at the end of the month or where I really want to go, stay or go back to my old college, really tough decision. Times like this I wish that I've pushed myself through college 12 years ago, it might have been easier but then again probably wouldn't met my fiance and be a mother right now to this amazing daughter. I don't like worrying about bills, not having a job, and stressing out about things that I have no control over. I will NOT give up! I have a little one who looks up to me, I want to be able to show my daughter, no matter how tough things get, we always make it through somehow and at the end it will be paid off! I don't use my disability as an excuse but there are times I feel like this is what slowing me down. I do have wonderful support from my family and I'm VERY GRATEFUL for all the support and those who stand by me!!!
This really got me thinking... College this quarter has been stressing me out a lot!! I'm not failing but I'm not getting the best grade that I usually get when I have ALL of my accommodations, (another story), it just one of those battle. Those who knows me and my grades, this is one of the BIGGEST thing for me in school! I've noticed I am worn out by the time I get home from just being in class, on campus for just ONE hour and I am not even done, I have another class, online and that is about 2-3 hours every day on my own and even with that class is another battle and on top of homework. I have no motivation right now to do anything other than trying my best in school with what I got and trying to do everything at home as well. I have no interest of going for the program I've been working towards for the past year and a half because of what I'm going through at the moment. I have one more month left this quarter. I have not even register for class for the winter quarter at all because I have no idea what the result is gonna be at the end of the month or where I really want to go, stay or go back to my old college, really tough decision. Times like this I wish that I've pushed myself through college 12 years ago, it might have been easier but then again probably wouldn't met my fiance and be a mother right now to this amazing daughter. I don't like worrying about bills, not having a job, and stressing out about things that I have no control over. I will NOT give up! I have a little one who looks up to me, I want to be able to show my daughter, no matter how tough things get, we always make it through somehow and at the end it will be paid off! I don't use my disability as an excuse but there are times I feel like this is what slowing me down. I do have wonderful support from my family and I'm VERY GRATEFUL for all the support and those who stand by me!!!
Friday, October 11, 2013
The Crazy life!!
Things has been crazy and busy! Little one in soccer and I'm going to school and running the house while my man is working. He been doing swings. I thought I would be stress and overwhelmed but so far everything is going well.
Studying is going well, I've passed two quizzes so far and have to take another one tomorrow some time. I am not here bragging but it seem like I'm getting a hang of it. It is tough but I've been studying like crazy so that does help a lot.
The soccer practice and games has been going well. It seem like soccer should have been a bit more organized but hey it's Kayla's first actual sport she joined. So so far it been fun. She played two games so far. She been going to every practice. Shes getting better every time with something. She enjoys it and has a lot of fun doing soccer. I think soccer will be in our daily routine for a while. I hope she tries other sports though
This is short and quick, I gotta get back to studying! <3
Studying is going well, I've passed two quizzes so far and have to take another one tomorrow some time. I am not here bragging but it seem like I'm getting a hang of it. It is tough but I've been studying like crazy so that does help a lot.
The soccer practice and games has been going well. It seem like soccer should have been a bit more organized but hey it's Kayla's first actual sport she joined. So so far it been fun. She played two games so far. She been going to every practice. Shes getting better every time with something. She enjoys it and has a lot of fun doing soccer. I think soccer will be in our daily routine for a while. I hope she tries other sports though
This is short and quick, I gotta get back to studying! <3
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